About Us

Hello I’m pJfm.. Yeah! I’m J

Who are you? How are you? Leave a comment 🙂 =D

PJFM are ours  😉

Everyone in the world must have best friends is it? The answers must be Yes.

Well, We just believe in ourselves that we’re great enough already.  We always sharing our story, we’re completing each other. We always be there when anyone need us 🙂

Sometimes, we share a story that nobody will forever know, Like who was the ‘boy’ we loved is? Well, you know what I mean? Maybe not >.<

Allright! I know my english was not good enough..

We’re special. Agent  ‘P’ is purple. She love Taylor Swift and she love puple! ME! (Agent ‘J’) I’m is blue. I love Avril Lavigne. I love blue. Agent ‘F’ is orange. She love Kris EXO-M , She love orange. Agent ‘M’ is a selenator! Yes.. She love Selena Gomez and she love green.

N.B: If you wanna know more about us read ‘The Guides’

We’re a group that will never end.. Well except the God end it..

Hahaha.. =D Thanks for reading guys! 🙂


P.S: If there is any mistakes forgive me .. I’m not fluent in english! :3