Sing It For The World


Dear some friends,

How exciting is it to know that tomorrow is D-DAY?

To know that tomorrow is when you’ll step up your status from bathroom singers to semi-professional singers? To know that it’s almost the time to show people what you’ve got? To imagine that maybe people will eventually recognize that you’re the next Taylor Swift, or Avril Lavigne? Or maybe you prefer people realize you sing well, without connecting it to any great singer? It’s wonderful, isn’t it, to know that in your first competition in senior high, you’re doing it with a group of friends you’ve rehearsed with? A group of people with the same passion, same vision?

It’s so wonderful that you start to worry about messing it up. What if tomorrow you’re so nervous that you can’t even smile on stage? How embarrassing is it if tomorrow you sing the wrong lyrics of a song you’ve practiced for so long? What if your part is too simple that people secretly laugh at you and start whispering, “Oh, she’s too pitiful, she’s only gotten that unimportant part while the others sing beautifully”? Or how scary could it get when you can’t hit the note you’re supposed to, and the audience realize it? You’ll not only make fun of your own self, you’ll also destroy the group performance!

Want to know a secret?

Right before going to the place you’re going to have the competition in, look into the mirror. Make sure you know how to smile well, stand straight, and chin up. Choose an outfit not only because it’s pretty on you, but also because it gives you confidence. Once more, look into the mirror and find yourself, and say, “Remember, you’ll face whatever happens there, and you don’t need to believe whatever you’re thinking right before going on stage.” 

In life, there’s always a chance of everything, isn’t there? There’s a chance that guy likes me, there’s also a chance he’s aiming at me for my friend. There’s a chance to win, there’s a chance to lose. Therefore, when you feel your heart is about to burst out because it’s full of excitement, fears, worries, and confusion, always remember that there are same trembling, cold hands next to yours that are the results from hearts like yours. Same excitement, same fears, same worries, same confusion. Hold them, know that you’re all going to give the best, even if your voice shakes, you forget the lyrics, or hit the wrong notes.

Have courage to know that you’re all going to be fine with whatever is coming to you. Whatever happens later, keep singing.

Prayer still works, you know, it only takes a group of people with innocent faith from hearts that believe. So now, you see, that what a group of friends with the same faith and belief is for.

Did I say you’d be nervous?

Right before you step on the stage, right before you’re going to show what you’ve got, you’ll think, “Maybe I should’ve never gone this far”, “Maybe I should’ve never registered myself as a part of this group”, “Maybe I should’ve never tried this”, “Oh no, I’m going to mess it up!”

Shake it off.

What for—you told yourself this morning not to believe whatever you’re thinking before going on stage.


May The God is in your favor!



p.s. beside singers, I know you guys are actresses as well, so.. I suppose there should be no problem even though there is a problem tomorrow. 😉

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